easewatches.me is a totally different kind of fake watches website. It is a store that knows how to be a true professional, provide high quality replicas for extremely high prices. If you are a huge Rolex fan then this is an online shop you may want to .
is another trusted watch replica site, but they don’t have a huge variety like the two other sites I’ve mentioned. Their product range is much more limited, so if you’re looking for a rare watch or something very specific, it’s unlikely you’ll find it here.But if you want a budget replica, they’re a great pick. A Patek Philippe copy for less than $200? Yes, please!

About us



Majesty International Schools is an independent established in 2019 to offer both British and American curriculums. 

Majesty schools develop a good understanding of all key learning areas and enhance students’ qualities and life skills such as independence, inquiry, problem solving, team skills, and creativity. 

At Majesty, we believe that the pursuit of knowledge equips and enables our students to make a powerful in the world. 

Our Mission



is to provide quality education along with integrating 21st-century skills. at the same time, we nurture their individual talents with attention to their physical, emotional, and social development. In accordance, we bring out the best in every one of them and help them take the next step in their lives with confidence, conviction, and consideration for others. 

Our Vision

Is to develop well-rounded, confident, and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. Students will grow in a positive and supportive learning environment in which everyone is respected, and all achievements are celebrated. 

COVID-19 Precautions and Procedures

Coronavirus is now spreading faster between people; this has led to the social distancing measures. While we try but can’t always socially distance in school we will be expecting students to behave in an appropriate manner and to avoid all physical contact with other students. The most important way you can ensure that your family is kept safe in this return to school is by ensuring your child follows the safety and hygiene measures. These include:
 Washing or sanitizing hands on entry to school
 Avoiding all physical contact with other students
 Using their own hand sanitizer and washing their hands frequently during the day
Not borrowing or sharing equipment
 Using a tissue which is disposed of in the bin when coughing or sneezing and then sanitizing hands In the section, you will find all you need to in regards to COVID-19
COVID19 Precautionary Measures

Why did you choose Majesty?

Apply for Admission

Fall 2022 applications are now open

We are delighted that you are considering Majesty International Schools for your child’s education. The application process begins a year in advance of September admission. Parents interested in mid-year admission should contact the Admissions Office directly: admissions@majestyschool.com

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