Cambridge Lower Secondary
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Checkpoint Subjects
Cambridge Lower Secondary English
Cambridge Lower Secondary English is designed for learners who have English as a first language and can be used in any cultural context.English promotes an enquiry-based approach, developing learners’ confidence, creativity and intellectual engagement. Learners develop English skills they can apply for a range of different purposes and audiences in everyday situations and in study. They will communicate confidently and effectively and develop the critical skills to respond to a range of information, media and texts with understanding and enjoyment.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that learners can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject. The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum framework continues the journey from Cambridge Primary Mathematics and provides a solid foundation upon which the later stages of education can be built.The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum is presented in six content areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, Handling data and Problem solving. The first five content areas are underpinned by Problem solving. This sixth strand provides a structure for the application of mathematical skills.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science
Cambridge Lower Secondary Science supports learners in developing life-long curiosity about the natural world and enables them to seek scientific explanations to the phenomena around them.Learners develop a range of scientific skills, through Working Scientifically, alongside developing their scientific knowledge and understanding, through the strands of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Integrated Subjects
Cambridge Global Perspectives is a unique, transformational programme that helps lower secondary learners to develop transferable skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. It offers valuable opportunities to reinforce links with and skills learnt in other subjects across the Cambridge Lower Secondary programme. The emphasis is on developing learners’ ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. Learners study global topics that are relevant to them – for example, the environment, education and keeping healthy. We support Cambridge Lower Secondary with high-quality resources to help you plan and deliver the programme, including Curriculum frameworks, Teacher Guides and Schemes of Work. We support Cambridge Lower Secondary with high-quality resources to help you plan and deliver the programme, including Curriculum frameworks, Teacher Guides and Schemes of Work
ICT Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is now part of the educational experience worldwide and competency in certain software types, such as those that are used for creating text documents, is regarded as a key skill for learners of all ages. Cambridge ICT Starters contains a series of assessed modules which allow learners to demonstrate their ability to use a range of computer software to communicate, search for and handle information, and to program solutions. It is suitable for learners of any age and is typically used for learners aged 5 to 14 years.
This wide ranging discipline enables learners to explore their creativity and to express themselves through a range of artistic forms. They will experiment with artistic media, seek their own artistic experiences, consider the artistic process that all artists follow and will use these to express their creative ideas and their experiments, through both personal and collaborative pieces of art. Throughout their artistic journey, learners will also learn the benefits of reflecting on their own experiences, the work of other artists, the experiences of other learners and from the diverse contexts from which art has evolved.
Cambridge Upper Secondary
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Students today need to be prepared for a fast pace of change in all employment sectors. The job market is a global and highly competitive one and technological advances influence every aspect of our lives.
Our curriculum is designed to match national expectations and University entrance expectations for IGCSE/ A-level qualifications alongside the needs of our students.
A wide range of courses will be available for your son/daughter to study as they move into Years 9 and 10 at Majesty International Schools. It includes information about the 5 core subjects, which all students have to study, as well as the subjects we are preparing the students to take in November session 2022- This is a very important stage in your son/daughter’s life and the choices made now will have a significant impact on their future opportunities and prospects. It is important that you and they engage fully in the process of choosing the most appropriate and beneficial courses for them as individuals.
Some qualifications will have a grading system of A*-G, with A* being the highest grade, and some will have a 9-1 grading system with 9 and 8 being the highest grade. Coursework may be an element of some subjects like English literature.
All students must study a minimum of 8 subjects at IGCSE to meet MOE requirements in Egypt. This compares well to other schools in Egypt and internationally. All students must choose English, Mathematics and Chemistry.
Students and their parents need to be aware that external assessments are scheduled nationally by the examination boards and the dates are not negotiable. Some of these examination dates may fall on Fridays and Egyptian public holidays in the examination season. Students and parents should ensure that they are familiar with the dates for examinations, practical sessions, orals and moderation sessions for all the subjects they study. It is vital that all elements are attended otherwise it may lead to a grade not being awarded. We will ensure you have full details of all external assessment dates at the beginning of the academic year in August. If in doubt, please contact us and ask. External examination costs are determined by the British Council and the examination boards but may be subject to change per qualification and postage and packing for examination scripts.
The main examination sessions occur in May/June and October/November. Results usually take 6 to 8 weeks to be processed and are made available to students in late August. Attendance at assessments and examinations is essential and the dates are set externally so the school has no control over these. Any lettered grade A*-C grade or numerical grade 9-4 is considered an academic pass. Parents will have the opportunity to follow their child’s progress through the normal school channels of reports and parent meetings .
IGCSE subjects offered in Majesty International schools
Course Content
Chemistry is compulsory subject as students should take at least one science subject. All IGCSE Science subjects operate a linear course structure with all external and final assessments taking place at the end of one session usually summer session. There will be though regular internal assessments being undertaken by teachers during the course to determine progress.
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620)
- The particulate nature of matter- experimental techniques, Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
- Stoichiometry, chemical energetics, rate (speed) of reaction, redox
- The characteristic properties of acids and bases, Noble gases, properties of metals, extraction of metals
- Air and water, organic chemistry
- Paper 2— Multiple Choice, (30%) 45min
- Paper 4— Extended Theory, (50%) 1hr 15min
- Paper 6— Alternative to Practical, (20%) 1hr
Course Content
Many students often opt for at least two Science subjects (and in many cases all 3). All IGCSE Science subjects operate a linear course structure with all external and final assessments taking place at the end of certain session. There will be though regular internal assessments being undertaken by teachers during the course to determine progress.
Year 10 students choosing to study Biology will be following the Cambridge and Pearson Edexcel Assessment International Education IGCSE Biology 2020-21 syllabus, and they will be completing their final examinations in summer 2020.
Cambridge Biology (9700)
- Characteristics and classification of living organisms
- Organization and maintenance of the organism
- Movement in and Out of Cells
- Biological Molecules
- Enzymes
- Plant Nutrition
- Human Nutrition
- Transport in Plant
- Transport in animals
- Diseases and Immunity
- Gas exchange in humans
§ Respiration
§ Excretion in humans
§ Coordination and Response § Drugs - Reproduction
§ Inheritance
§ Variation and Selection
§ Organisms and their environment
§ Biotechnology and genetic engineering § Human influences on ecosystems - Paper 2- Multiple choice questions (30%) of total 40 marks, 45 minutes.
- Paper 4- Structured questions (50%) of total 80 marks, 1hr 15 minutes.
- Paper 6 –Written alternative to practical (20%) of total 40 marks, 1hr.
Pearson Edexcel Biology (4BI1)
- The nature and variety of living organisms.
- Structures and functions in living organisms.
- Reproduction and inheritance.
- Ecology and the environment.
- Use of biological resources Assessment.
- Paper 1- A mixture of different question styles, including multiple-choice questions, short- answer questions, calculations and extended open-response questions. The paper is assessed through 2-hours written examination paper set and marked by Pearson Edexcel. The total number of marks is 110.
- Paper 2- A mixture of different question styles, including multiple-choice questions, short- answer questions, calculations and extended open-response questions. The paper is assessed through a 1-hour and 15-minute written examination paper set and marked by Pearson Edexcel. The total number of marks is 70.
Course Content
The students must sit the Egyptian Ministry of Education examinations as ad- mission requirements for the universities in Egypt.
In year 9 students must sit for Edaddia exams offered by the Egyptian Ministry of Education. After that they continue practicing for doing IGCSE offered by Cambridge.
In year 9, All SVS students must pass Edaddia examination; they should pass in 3 subjects: Arabic, Religion and Social Studies.
In year 10 and 11 all students study for both, continuing the Egyptian Ministry of Education program in Arabic, Religion and Social Study (the First year of the Secondary school), Students are considered passing with not less than 50% of the total examination marks.
Pearson Edexcel Arabic as First Language (4AA1)
Students also start to study for the IGCSE Arabic as first language examination offered by Pearson Edexcel.
- § Paper 1: Reading, Summary and Grammar. The total marks for this paper is 75 marks.
- § Paper 2: Writing. The total marks for this paper is 50 marks
Course Content
Learners following the IGCSE Computer Science syllabus develop their under- standing of the main principles of problem solving using computers.
They can apply their understanding to develop computer-based solutions to problems using algorithms and a high-level programming language.
Learners also develop a range of technical skills, as well as being able to effectively test and evaluate computing solutions. Studying Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science will help learners appreciate current and emerging computing technologies, the benefits of their use and recognise their potential risks.
IGCSE Computer Science helps learners develop an interest in computing and gain confidence in computational thinking. It is an ideal foundation for further study at AS and A Level, and the skills learnt can also be used in other areas of study and in everyday life.
Cambridge Computer Science (0478)
- Paper 1: Theory (1hr 45 minutes) This written paper contains short-answer and structured questions. All questions are compulsory. No calculators are permitted in this paper. This paper has a total of 75 marks—60%.
- Paper 2: Problem-solving and Programming (1hr 45 minutes) This written paper contains short-answer and structured questions. All questions are compulsory. 20 of the marks for this paper are from questions set on the pre-release material. No calculators are permitted in this paper. This paper has a total of 50 marks-40%.
Course Content
Students will continue to develop their skills in reading and writing. The IGCSE course requires students to read and interpret a range of written materials, including media texts, literary non-fiction, poems and short stories. They will learn to analyse the ways in which writers present their viewpoints and how language and structure can be used to influence readers. In writing, they develop the skills to convey meaning confidently and accurately, using a range of styles. The writing tasks are designed to equip students with functional writing skills, which are transferable to real-world situations.
Cambridge English as a Second Language (ESL) (0510)
- Paper 2- Reading and writing. Its duration is 2 hours. Total of 80 marks with weight of 70%. Six exercises testing a range of reading and writing skills.
- Paper 4- Listening. Its duration around 50 minutes. Total of 40 marks with weight of 30%. Candidates listen to several short extracts and longer texts, and complete a range of task types, including short answer questions, gap filling, matching, multiple choice & note taking.
Type of Qualification
Cambridge IGCSE English Literature
Course Content
The literature course requires students to study a contemporary drama text, a modern novel, a Shakespeare play and a collection of poetry. They will explore character, theme and setting in these texts and learn to analyse the ways in which writers use these tools to express their ideas. Students will be able to explore, through literature, different societies and cultures and understand the influence of literature on individuals and societies.
Pearson Edexcel Literature (4ET1)
Paper 1: Poetry and Modern Prose (4ET1/01)
- Section A – Unseen Poetry: one 20-mark essay question exploring the meaning and effects created in an unseen poem. The poem will be reproduced in the question paper.
- Section B – Anthology Poetry: one 30-mark essay question from a choice of two, comparing two poems from Part 3 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology.
- Section C – Modern Prose: one 40-mark essay question from a choice of two on each of the set texts.
- Available in January and June. 60% of the total International GCSE. The total number of marks available is 90. The assessment duration is 2 hours.
Paper 3: Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts (4ET1/03)
- Available January and June. 40% of the total International GCSE. The assessment of this component is through two coursework assignments, internally set and assessed, and externally moderated by Pearson Edexcel. The total number of marks available is 60 (30 marks for each assignment).
- Assignment A – Modern Drama: one essay response to a teacher-devised assignment on the studied text.
- Assignment B – Literary Heritage Texts: one essay response to a teacher-devised assignment on the studied text.
Course Content
Topics are engaging and suitable for all students. They are based on contexts that they are likely to encounter and are diverse in their content. Culturally sensitive and authentic reading and listening texts are used throughout.
Cambridge IGCSE French (7156)
Home and abroad
- § Holidays, tourist information and
- § Services (e.g. bank, post office)
Education and employment
- § School life and routine
- § School rules and pressures
- § School trips, events and exchanges
Personal life and relationships
- § House and home
- § Daily routines and helping at home
- § Role models
The world around us
- § Environmental issues
- § Weather and climate
- § Travel and transport
Social activities, fitness and health
- § Special occasions
- § Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise
- § Shopping and money matters
- § Paper 1 – Listening: 45 minutes 25%.
- § Paper 2 – Reading : 45 minutes 25%.
- Customs
§ Everyday life, traditions and
- Work, careers and volunteering § Future plans
- Relationships with family and friends § Childhood
- The media
§ Information and communication
- Accidents, injuries, common ailments and health issues
- Food and drink
- Paper 3 – Speaking: 8-10 minutes 25%. – paper 4 – writing 1 hr -25 %
Type of Qualification
Course Content
The syllabus aims summarise the context in which you should view the syllabus content and describe the purposes of a course based on this syllabus. They are not listed in order of priority.
Cambridge Information and Communications Technology (ICT) (0417)
- § Knowledge of ICT including new and emerging technologies
- § Autonomous and discerning use of ICT
- § Skills to enhance work produced in a range of contexts
- § Skills to analyse, design, implement, test and evaluate ICT systems
- § Skills to consider the impact of current and new technologies on methods of
working in the outside world and on social, economic, ethical and moral issues
- § ICT-based solutions to solve problems
- § The ability to recognise potential risks when using ICT, and use safe, secure
and responsible practice.
- § Paper 1: 2hrs Theory 40%
- § Paper 2: 2hrs 30 minutes Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations 30%
- § Paper 3: 2hrs 30 minutes Data Analysis and Website Authoring 30% 80 marks
- § All candidates take three papers.
Course Content
The Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics course forms an important bridge between KS3 and AS/A2, as well as providing valuable support for the Sciences, Geography, Computing and Business Studies. It develops personal thinking, learning and problem solving skills and students apply these to real life situations.
The qualification builds on the content, knowledge and skills developed in the Key Stage 3.
Programme of Study (ages 11-14) on international equivalences for Mathematics.
The IGCSE Mathematics course comprises of six areas of study which are all examined in two papers at the end of grade 10. These are: Numbers, Algebra, Ratio, Proportion and rates of change, Geometry and measures, Statistics and probability.
Pearson Edexcel Mathematics (4MA1)
The International GCSE qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine- grade scale from 9 to 1 using the total subject mark where 9 is the highest grade. The qualification consists of two equally- weighted written examination papers. Each paper is externally assessed and carries a total of 100 marks. The examination duration for each paper is 2 hours and contributes 50% of the final grade. Calculators are allowed in both papers. The assessments are available January and June.
- § First assessment: June
- § Two papers: 2 hours each
- § Questions will assume knowledge from Foundation Tier subject content.
- § Each paper will assess the full range of targeted grades at Higher Tier (9-4)
Course Content
Year 10 students choosing to study Physics will be following the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus.
Students build on their understanding of physical phenomena developed at Key Stage 3 (Grade 9). Many of the topics will be familiar to them, but in greater depth; others will be entirely new.
Physics is an excellent means by which to develop an understanding of the world around us. It breaks things down in to both simple and more complex formulae and allows us to predict behaviour of moving objects, the flow of energy and heat, how energy travels as a wave, how electricity behaves in circuits and also how it is generated and used, and also about the structure of the atom and nuclear physics.
Physics is an excellent choice for anyone who may be considering a career in engineering or architecture but it is also of great benefit to potential medical students given the nature of modern medicine which includes optics and medical imaging. It has also been recognised in a number of fields that a student who performs well in physics is able to use models and formulae in a way that has great benefits in other areas such as economics and business.
Students who perform well at IGCSE Levels have an excellent grounding to allow further study at AS and A2. Physics is a challenging and worthwhile choice and is highly valued as a qualification by all higher education establishments.
Cambridge Physics (0652)
- § General Physics
- § Thermal Physics
- § Properties of waves, including light and sounds
- § Electricity and Electro Magnetism
- § Atomic Physics
- § Paper 2— Multiple Choice, (30%) 45 minutes
- § Paper 4— Extended Theory, (50%) 1hr 15minutes
- § Paper 6— Alternative to Practical, (20%) 1hou